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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Part I

After a prolonged unconsciousness
I look around with bloodshot eyes
Still shivering on the ground where I lie
As every inch of my body comes back to life...
Where am I? Where am I?

As the scheming day bows at its end
I lay in bed weary and spent
I think to myself but it's others' voices I hear
And my small gasps when I try to discover...
Who am I? Who am I?

I still find myself where I never thought I'd be,
In my mind, in my soul and physically
As the days, months and years pass by me
I look for myslef and I look for you...
Where is home? Where is home?

Copyright © 2008 Daisy Tchiftjian

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At 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the best you ever wrote. Good to see you writing again :)
Cant wait for Part 2

At 7:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you write nice n great...
but do you ever
abide by what you say or write...

its a shame to write what you dont do or cant do...

maybe this is the reason you write because you cant actually do what you feel...

so you are simply divided in two parts
one which thinks nice and good or rather great...

and the other one which cant do any thing
cant even say anything or just do things which are just the opposite of what you write...

so i pity you for being so....
and maybe some day you will get strength to act on what you think or write...

till then gather strength

and in being so there is no fault of yours...
its just because of what the past has given you
and this is what it has made you today...

but this today when its becomes past tommorow will sure guide in right direction...

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Daisy Tchiftjian said...

Mr not so Anonymos

Personal attacks on my blog are not welcome, espcially by someone who has the means to do it somewhere else.

As for the comments...whatever makes you happy!

At 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr anonymouse,

lets see you say something and abide by it, for a change write one of your deep emotional outbursts and then give us examples of how u apply it in your life.

Hasnt anyone told u the art of writing poems is for the intellectual and refined only? I guess that excludes you, and yet u have the nerve to comment such a stupidity...

Why anonymouse? lets see who you are and what background you come from that allows you to act out all your thoughts, and live all your emotions, so vividly that you cant appreciate the need for others to express in words where you supposedly express in actions.

I guess people like you look down at others just to avoid their own shortcomings. So shoo, go pee at the neighbours tree, your kind is not welcome here.

oh,the "e" is added intentionally...

At 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr or Mrs (as I concluded from the previous posts..) this poem is not something to be applied in real life.. So this is not the right place for your comment.
And it seems you have no idea about literature, poems are not rules, nor things to be applied.

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Daisy Tchiftjian said...

Thank you, Ara and Anonymous 2...

I'm not a reporter to state dry facts, although I value the mission a journalist carries. I write what I feel and to feel is the ULTIMATE form of living.

While I consider myself far from being categorized as literally, though I truly appreciate the remarks, for me, a poetry that doesn't generate the emotions the writer feels inside the reader is a poetry not worth being written - or read - at all! I only aspire to do that: to reach that level of communication.

At 8:44 AM , Blogger Daisy Tchiftjian said...

far from being literary *


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