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Thursday, December 04, 2008


I watch the swift movements of the Filipina who is skillfully applying my favorite color to my fingernails, my mind hopping from one thought to another when it pauses all of a sudden upon hearing another customer utter “...dark black...”.

I always thought “light black” is gray.

But then I also thought it's either black or white...

I'm not sure if it's always been that way, but it seems to me in life it's never either black or white now because there are shades to these entities nowadays.

Light white, light black, dark white, dark black; not just plain black, or plain white anymore. As nothing is just right and nothing is just wrong; that seems to be the standards by which people live these days.

And you wonder...maybe gray is more absolute than black and white now...

Copyright © 2008 Daisy Tchiftjian
