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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Perhaps life would be better if we treated people for what they want to be, rather than what they are.

Copyright © 2007 Daisy Tchiftjian

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

* * * * - By Ara D.S. ft. Daisy Ch.

Racing for the Future one step at a time
Like a clockwork train set upon the line...

From dawn of life to light's demise
We work the land, we seek our prize .
With promise of the Future and lessons of the past
We pave our way to rest at last.

Feelings of joy, feelings of sorrow,
Feelings of ecstacy, feelings of pain
And feelings of everything in between
Fill the emptiness within the soul...

Men have always come to pass
So will the Future become the past
When the fall of the sandwatch's grains
Marks the seconds collapsed.

The sweet smell of the damp ground
Signs the proof of life's presence
While the wind blows through the sand
Searching for the meaning of existence.

And As winter turns to spring,
We shall learn to live at last,
With the vigor of our offspring
And memories of the past...

Building the Future one step at a time
Like a clockwork train set upon the line
