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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

To My Sunshine

Cruising inside my sentiments of longings
I leaf through the photos of the recent past,
And feelings of yearning take over me,
And the need to trade the pictures with reality…

What I wouldn’t give to recapture the moment
When his baby hand grabbed hold of my finger,
To see his wide smile light up his face and my heart
While he slept and dreamt as if of angels…
What I wouldn’t give to have been there
During the years I’ve missed and will miss again,
To watch him grow, and live in wonder
As he discovers life and I discover him...

>>Daisy Tchiftjian

To my Nephew...

Copyright © 2006 Daisy Tchiftjian


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Answer

A question that’s asked to me
By everyone – one time or another –
A question of philosophy, a question of wonder;
A question to which I never knew the answer.

I’m asked: “What is it that you want from this life?”
Only now do I realize I want nothing more than itself:
With its past, the present, and the future,
The stars, the sky, the beings and nature.

But above all there’s one thing I want from the universe:
And that’s for my existence to make a difference.

>>Copyright © 2006 Daisy Tchiftjian
